Kent Screechfield
Kent joined the Kiwanis Club of San Ramon Valley in 2016 but has been involved with the club since 2000 when it chartered his son’s Cub Pack and Scout Troop. Kent is a former Scoutmaster and still mentors older scouts and assists in service projects that involve both scouting and Kiwanis.
Kent currently serves as the club secretary and also serves as an advisor to Key Club youth leadership. Kent believes it is important for youth to volunteer their time on service projects that benefit others in the community and for our members to mentor them in their endeavors.

Dick Frankel
30 years, Kiwanis Club of San Ramon Valley
Attorney: 42-years; adjunct law professor; temporary superior court judge and hearing officer.
• Danville Area Chamber of Commerce (Board of Directors, 1993-1996; President, 1995)
• Contra Costa County Bar Association (Member Board of Directors 1994-2003; President, 2002)
• State Bar of California, Board of Governors, (October 2006 – September 2009; Vice President, 2008- 2009)
• The Athenian School, Board of Trustees (2003 – 2006)
• Contra Costa County Assessor Appeals Board, (July 27, 2021 - present)
Fun Stuff
• Youth baseball and basketball coach
• Elementary school site council
Military service
• US Army Security Agency, 1966-1970 (Vietnam 1967-1968)

John Lineweaver
John has been an active member of Kiwanis for 46 years. Having joined the Alameda Kiwanis Club in 1979, he moved to Alamo in 1981, and transfer to San Ramon Valley Club.
He is currently Club Treasurer and a Board member. John enjoys being chair of the Foundation’s Grants Committee, which has given away over $35k annually to local non-profits.
He has been honored to have been chosen as Kiwanian of the Year 3 times and was elected as a Life Member in 2015.
Kiwanis has been a family affair for John, with his wife Rose who was honored with Kiwanis’ Walter Zeller Award in 2011. His 13 children, 27 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren are involved with many Kiwanis related activities.
His grandfather, Rev. Jesse Luther Lineweaver, was a founding and long-active member of the Beckley, West Virginia Kiwanis Club in 1925.

Tat Huen
Tat became a member of Kiwanis in early 2024 after retiring from his tech job in Silicon Valley. For Tat the weekly lunches at Black Bear Diner have provided opportunity to connect with like minded community members and enjoyed the different presentations.
He continues his volunteering opportunities as a Scout Leader at Troop 805, where his two sons have earned their Eagle Scouts. When not volunteering as scouting Merit Badge counselor for Engineering, Inventing, Archery, etc., he is working on his long list of home projects that requires learning new DIY skills.

Nancy Bray
Nancy joined the Kiwanis Club of San Ramon Valley in 2002, shortly after moving to the area. Joining the club was a great way to meet and become friends with like-minded people and the weekly lunches are one of the highlights of the week. Nancy was drawn to the community service side of the club, including the 4th of July parade, and has served as Community Service Chair, a Director board and a past president.
Outside of Kiwanis, Nancy works at a tech company in Pleasanton, managing a team of software developers. She is also a member of the Danville Community Band, hacking her way through playing the clarinet.