Kiwanis Club of San Ramon Valley


What is Kiwanis?

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time.

Mission: To Serve the children of the world.

Service: Each year, clubs:

  • Sponsor nearly 152,000 service projects

  • Raise more than $133 million.


  • About 8,000 clubs in 96 countries

  • More than 537,000 adult members

  • Approximately 326,000 youth members

Kiwanis is one of the few organizations that offers membership to almost all age groups!

Kiwanis Club of San Ramon Valley

#WeConnect #Service #CommunitiesNeedKiwanis


The Kiwanis Club of San Ramon Valley is a long-standing community service organization comprised of local business leaders and community residents who enjoy good fellowship while helping local organizations and individuals through service.


Our members contribute their time to local community efforts such as the NBC/Bay Area Food Drive, holiday toy drive, Alamo Tree Lighting, Casa Youth to Youth conference, and Relay for Life. Our club has also organized and conducted the 4th of July Parade in Danville since 1975.


The Kiwanis Club of San Ramon Valley started a grants program in the early 1990’s, and in the subsequent years has awarded grants to local community nonprofit organizations totaling more than $1,000,000. (Funding for the activities of the Kiwanis Club of San Ramon Valley have been raised through its affiliated nonprofit organization, the SRV Kiwanis Foundation, a 501c3 Public Charity.) The primary source of funding for our Grants program is from our generous 4th of July Parade sponsors. 


Our club focuses on helping youth in the community by working closely with local Key Clubs for teens, Scouting America (formally Boy Scouts of America), and Girl Scouts of the USA. The Kiwanis Club of San Ramon Valley also works closely with local Aktion Clubs for adults living with disabilities.

Service Leadership:

Our club currently sponsors:

Scouting America scouting units (formally Boys Scouts of America):

  • Pack 205 - Danville

  • Pack 805 - Danville

  • Troop 126 - San Ramon

  • Troop 216 - Alamo

  • Troop 302 - Walnut Creek

  • Troop 805 - Danville

  • Troop 815 - Danville

Key Club is an international service organization for high school students. As a student-led organization, its goal is to encourage leadership through service to others.

  • Amador Valley - Pleasanton

  • California - San Ramon

  • Dougherty Valley - San Ramon

  • Dublin - Dublin

  • Emerald - Dublin (to be chartered in January)

  • Monte Vista - Danville

  • Quarry Lane - Dublin

  • San Ramon Valley - Danville

  • The Athenian School - Danville

MEET SOME OF Our Members